Training on Market Price Information System (MPIS)
17 June 2016

ISET Policy Institute (ISET-PI), as a part of the ENPARD project (under the CARE consortium), is involved in the collection and analysis of the market price information of agricultural products around Georgia. ISET-PI, in co-operation with the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia (MoA) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), organized training for representatives from the MoA’s Information and Consultation Centers (ICC).

Obstacles for Dual Vocational Education in Georgia
05 June 2016

In Central Europe, vocational education and training (VET) has a tradition that reaches back to medieval times. To become, say, a baker in 14th century Germany, one had to go through an apprenticeship of two years, working and learning in an existing bakery, where one was guided and supervised by a meister (master craftsman). The apprenticeship was standardized and – if successful – ended with the conferment of a certificate and admission to the baker’s guild.

Leaders in Development - ISET and JTI Launch a New Training Course
27 May 2016

ISET Policy Institute in cooperation with Japan Tabacco International (JTI) Georgia launched a free-of-charge training program “Leaders in Development” for policymakers, analysts, mid-level, and executives. The opening session held on May 24th welcomed the first cohort of 31 senior professionals and decision-makers coming from more than 15 public, private and non-profit organizations.

Leaders in Development
23 May 2016

Policy Institute together with Japan Tabacco International (JTI) Georgia offers free of charge training program "Leaders in Development". The program is designed for policy makers, analysts, mid-level and senior executives from both public and private sectors. Senior decision makers as well as senior professional staff will find the program extremely useful for their work.

ISET President Trains Parliament Staff on DCFTA
20 May 2016

ISET President Eric Livny and head of the Private Sector Development Policy Center Sophiko Skhirtladze held a training session for the staffers of the European Integration, Economic Affairs, and other Committees of the Georgian Parliament regarding the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA) with the European Union.
