February 18, 2019 | Wheat is becoming more expensive, again!
18 February 2019

In January 2019, the cost of cooking one standard Imeretian khachapuri decreased comparatively both annual and monthly, ranging between 3.56 GEL (Tbilisi) and 3.70 GEL (Kutaisi), with an average cost of 3.62 GEL. The new average price is 2.5% lower than in January 2018. As for the month-to-month development, the price of khachapuri is 3.5% lower compared to the previous month (December 2018).

December 17, 2018 | Price and prejudice on wheat market
17 December 2018

The cost of cooking one standard Imeretian khachapuri in November 2018 averaged at 3.62 GEL, which is around 0.8% higher compared to October 2018 (month-on-month), and 2.2% lower in comparison to the previous year (November 2017).

No Country for Wheat Trucks?!
22 October 2018

About two months ago, the Georgian government announced the introduction of restrictions on wheat imports and their transit by road transport. However, this idea was soon abandoned in the wake of a concerted backlash from a number of stakeholders (including small-scale wheat importers, truck drivers, and flour-milling plants that use road-imported wheat).

September 24, 2018 | Wheat or chicken?
24 September 2018

In August 2018, the average cost of cooking one standard Imeretian khachapuri increased to 3.43 GEL, which is 3.8 % higher month-on-month (m/m, that is, compared to July 2018), but 0.5% lower year-on-year (y/y, compared to August 2017).

March 19, 2018 | Are we running out of milk?
19 March 2018

In February 2018, the Khachapuri Index continued its downward trend and dropped to 3.67 GEL. This is 1.2% lower compared to the previous month (January 2018) and 0.3% higher compared to February 2017 (y/y). The main contributors to y/y Khachapuri Index inflation were butter (4.1%), milk (1.7%), and cheese (0.7%), while the price of eggs and wheat dropped (-3.3% and -2.5%, respectively).
