Build the capacity of the representatives of Parliament of Georgia and executive agencies to understand and apply the RIA methodology. Georgia is in the process of institutionalizing RIA as an integral part of policy-making, both in the executive and legislative branches of government.
ISET was honored to host a third delegation representing the long-time partner, the Norwegian School of Economics in Bergen. A four-day program included anti-corruption seminars, public discussions, and site visits to relevant public institutions and businesses.
The objective of this initiative is to complement the mission of ReforMeter by providing an in-depth analysis of government reform efforts through policy briefs, innovative indicators and other analytical products.
On October 21, 2017, Georgia’s entire political map was painted in different shades of blue – the color of the ruling Georgian Dream (GD) party. GD won in all but one race in the country’s municipal elections – achieving solid majorities in all sakrebulo (city councils) and placing party-backed candidates as mayors in all cities and self-governing communities.
On September 7, ISET hosted the president and executive chairman of the Ayn Rand Institute, Dr. Yaron Brook, for a presentation. The topic of the presentation was Free Speech and The Battle for Western Culture. During the presentation, Dr. Brook explained why and in what ways free speech is under attack and why it is important to defend this fundamental right.