Agricultural land registration reform in Georgia
02 February 2018

ISET Policy Institute team conducted research on the current situation of the land registration process in Georgia, analyzed ongoing land reform, and outlined the challenges of land market development in the country.

Second Phase of SME Reforms Conducted
02 February 2018

The second phase assessment of the SME/Innovations Development reforms was conducted within the ReforMeter over the course of February.

Reformeter Evaluates Georgia’s Agricultural Development
14 December 2017

On December 14, 2017, the second phase of ReforMeter started with an evaluation of Georgia’s agricultural development.

Gigla Mikautadze of ISET-PI attends annual meeting of World Bank and IMF
16 October 2017

Gigla Mikautadze, the manager of ISET’s “ReforMeter” project, was invited by the International Monetary Fund to the annual meetings of the World Bank Group and the IMF which took a place in Washington D.C. October 9-14. The participants of the event discussed the current trends in the global economy, government policies, and strategies for poverty reduction.

Outstanding outcomes to be expected - Vocational Education and Training (VET) Reform Evaluation
12 October 2017

The VET reform assessment was conducted on October 4, 2017. According to the Government Survey, 80% of the 2013-2017 Action Plan, and 50% of the entire reform, which is scheduled to last until 2020, have been implemented. The survey also showed how the reform, including the launch of the dual education system, which took off in 2013 revamped the whole structure of the vocational education system.
