May 2024 | A notable drop in CCI
08 July 2024

A sharp decrease in CCI. The declining trend that started in April continued in May, with the Consumer Confidence Index dropping by 9.5 index points – from -17.8 in April to -27.3 points in May. The decline was present in both CCI sub-indices, however, it was more prominent in the Present Situation Index. Namely, the Expectations Index declined by 5.5 index points, while the Present Situation Index decreased by 13.4 points.

April 2024 | The CCI is falling
01 May 2024

Decline in the CCI. After the Consumer Confidence Index rose in March, the trend once again reversed in April – with the CCI declining by 4 index points, from -13.8 in March to -17.8 in April. Both the Present Situation and the Expectations Index each decreased, however, the decline was more prominent for people’s expectations; the Present Situation Index decreased by 1.6 points, while the Expectations Index fell by 6.4 points.

March 2024 | Upheaval of the CCI
01 April 2024

Another rise in CCI. After the downward trends in January and February, the CCI increased by 3.9 index points, from -17.7 in February to -13.8 in March. Both the Expectations Index and the Current Situation Index moved upwards in tandem, increasing by 4 and 3.8 index points, respectively.

February 2024 | Downward trend continues
31 March 2024

CCI declines further. After a small decline in the Consumer Confidence Index in January, the downward trend continued further in February – the CCI dropped from -15.5 in January to -17.7 in February (by 2.2 index points). On this occasion, the two sub-indices diverged in different directions

January 2024 | A setback in CCI
18 February 2024

A slight trend reversal in the CCI. After a rise in the Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) in December, January saw a small decline – from -14.1 in December to -15.5 in January, dropping by 1.4 index points. This fall is evident in both sub-indices – the Present Situation Index declined by 0.9 points and the Expectations Index by 2 points.
